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The BSD Foundation was founded in June 2017 for the purpose of working towards achieving socially beneficial objectives in the fields of science, culture and education, and promoting international understanding through organization of international, regional and local scientific gatherings, publishing of scientific journals and other, organizing expert trainings and vocational education, launching initiatives in the fields of science, culture and education, proposing initiatives to the relevant bodies and institutions for the purpose of promoting international understanding, cooperation with other institutions, associations and other legal entities and individuals in the Republic of Serbia and abroad who are committed to similar values, and being engaged in other advisory activities.


The BSD Foundation stemmed out of the need to reaffirm the position of neutrality and constructiveness of the Republic of Serbia in the international context, while at the same time mobilizing experts, relevant institutions and representatives of different social groups.


The already defined position of the Republic of Serbia as a military neutral country aspiring to become a full member of the European Union, while at the same time continuously improving its traditionally friendly relations with the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, creates a wide arena for developing innovative public policies which the other countries of similar geopolitical orientation can find inspiring as a guideline.


Thus, the intention is for the "Belgrade Strategic Dialogue" to provide a marked contribution, positioning Belgrade as a point of meeting, instead of colliding and conflicting, of the geo-strategic and geopolitical interests of the great powers.


At a point in time when the process of unrestrained globalization is under a critical review, and when it is abundantly clear that not only are we not witnessing the end of history, but that an entirely new process is emerging, where the old paths etched in the unipolar phase of global development are progressively being abandoned, a constructive dialogue and confidence-building through open discussion are the only way to ensure a future that will rely not on the clash of the cultures and civilizations, but on their fruitful contact and intertwining.


We believe that such a goal transcends any individual and organization, and is worth investing selfless effort. This is the very mission of the “Belgrade Strategic Dialogue” and all the people that this project will bring together in the coming years.

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